《Gunheads(科幻战争)》|总人气: 36| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
《Gunheads(科幻战争)》作者:[英]Steve Parker【完结】Synopsis (英文书籍文案)In "Gunheads" Sergeant Wulfe has a new tank; he is haunted by a psychic vision, and he has a new nemesis, one corporal Lenck. This time out the 81st Cadian Armoured is dropped onto Golgotha, a death world inhabited by hundreds of thousands of Orks. Their mission is to retrieve the "Fortress of Arrogance," a battle tank that belonged to Commissar Yarrick, hero of Hades Hive. Yarrick is an Ork fighter extraordinaire and, in fact, is one of the only humans to master the Ork language.PROLOGUECalafran Creides had stopped believing he would wake up. The nightmare was real. The monsters...最近更新
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