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Ice Guard(科幻战争)txt下载

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Ice Guard(科幻战争)txt下载更新时间:2020-04-13

《Ice Guard(科幻战争)》txt下载简介:

《Ice Guard(科幻战争)》作者: [英]Steve Lyons【完结】Synopsis (英文书籍文案)The world has been lost. The order to withdraw has been given. In forty-eight hours Cressido will be virus-bombed from orbit, completely sterilized. Colonel Stanislav Steele of the Valhallan Ice Warriors has one last task to perform. Steele handpicks a squad of nine to go with him on a stealth mission. Their task is to find and rescue a stranded Imperial confessor. The chrono is already ticking.The group must quickly learn to trust in themselves, as well as, each other as they follow Colonel Steele through mutants, Traitor Space Marines, and other obstacles....


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