《tg.wizardfirstrule》|总人气: 78| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
CHAPTER 1 IT WAS AN ODD-LOOKING vine. Dusky variegated leaves hunkered against a stem that wound in a stranglehold around the smooth trunk of a balsam fir. Sap drooled down the wounded bark, and dry limbs slumped, making it look as if the tree were trying to voice a moan into the cool, damp morning air. Pods stuck out from the vine here and there along its length, almost seeming to look warily about for witnesses. It was the smell that first had caught his attention, a smell like the deposition of something that had been wholly unsavory even in life. Richard bed his fingers through his thick hair as his mind lifted out of the fog of despai你可能喜欢
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