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《10_invid_invasion》|总人气: 79| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Robotech: Invid InvasionBook 10 of the Robotech seriesCopyright 1987 by Jack McKinneyarranged by dayuan [ robotech zone ]PROLOGUESomewhere a queen was weeping...her children scattered; her regent a prisoner of the blood lust, at war with nature and enslaved to vengeance.But dare we presume to read her thoughts even now, to walk a path not taken-one denied to us by gates and towers our senses cannot perceive and perhaps never will?Still, it must have seemed like the answer to a prayer: A planet newly rich in the flower that was life itself, a profusion of such incredible nutrient wealth that her Sensor Nebulae had found it clear across the ga

