the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯
《the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯》|总人气: 146| 总推荐: 1| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
CHAPTER ONE灏忥紝璇达紝t锛寈t锛屽ぉ锛屽爞how shasta set out on his travels this is the story of an adventure that happened in narnia and calormen and the lands between, in the golden age when peter was high king in narnia and his brother and his two sisters were king and queens under him.in those days, far south in calormen on a little creek of the sea, there lived a poor fisherman called arsheesh, and with him there lived a boy who called him father. the boys name was shasta. on most days arsheesh went out in his boat to fish in the morning, and in the afternoon he harnessed his donkey to a cart and loaded the cart with fish and went a mile or so开始阅读《the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯》
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