《the silmarillion》



the silmarillion- 第77部分

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name silima that F?anor gave to the substance from which they were made。 
s?r 'river'; from root sir… 'flow'; in Ossiriand (the first element is from the stem of the numeral 'seven';  
Quenya otso; Sindarin odo); Sirion; also in Sirannon (the 'Gate…stream' of Moria) and Sirith ('a flowing'; as tirith  
'watching' from tir); a river in Gondor。 With change of s to h in the middle of words it is present in Minhiriath  
'between the rivers'; the region between the Brandywine and the Greyflood; in Nanduhirion 'vale of dim streams'; the  
Dimrill Dale (see nan'd' and dú); and in Ethir Anduin; the outflow or delta of Anduin (from et…sir)。 
s?l 'wind' in Amon S?l; Súlimo; cf。 súlim?; Quenya name of the third month of the year (The Lord of the  
Rings Appendix D)。 
tal (dal) 'foot' in Celebrindal; and with the meaning 'end'  in Ramdal。 
talath 'flat lands; plain' in Talath Dirnen; Talath Rhunen。 
tar… 'high' (Quenya tara 'lofty'); prefix of the Quenya names of the Númenórean Kings; also in Annatar。  
Feminine tari 'she that is high; Queen' in Elentári; Kementári。 Cf。 tarma 'pillar' in Meneltarma。 
tathar 'willow'; adjective tathren m Nan…tathren; Quenya tasare in Tasarinan; Nan…tasarion (see Nan…tathren  
in the Index)。 
taur 'wood; forest' (Quenya taure) in Tauron; Taur…im…Duinath; Taur…nu…Fuin。 
tel… 'finish; end; be last' in Teleri。 
thalion 'strong; dauntless' m Cúthalion; Thalion。 
thong 'oppression' in Thangorodrim; also in Durthang (a castle in Mordor)。 Quenya sanga meant 'press;  
throng'; whence Sangahyando 'Throng…cleaver'; name of a man in Gondor (The Lord of the Rings Appendix A 'I;  
thar… 'athwart; across' in Sarn Athrad; Thargelion; also in Tharbad (from thara…pata 'crossway*) where the  
ancient road from Arnor and Gondor crossed the Grey…flood。 
thaur 'abominable; abhorrent' in Sauron (from Thauron); Gorthaur。 
thin(d) 'grey' in Thingol; Quenya sinda in Sindar; Singollo (Sindacollo: collo 'cloak')。 
th?l 'helm' in Dor Cúarthol; Gorthol。 
thon 'pine…tree' in Dorthonion。 
thoron 'eagle' in Thorondor (Quenya Sorontar); Cirith Thoronath。 The Quenya form is perhaps present in the  
constellation…name Soronúm?。 
til 'point; horn' in Taniquetil; Tilion ('the Horned'); also in Celebdil 'Silvertine'; one of the Mountains of  
tin… 'sparkle' (Quenya tinta 'cause to sparkle'; tinwe 'spark') in Tintall?; also in tindóm? 'starry twilight' (The Lord of  
the Rings Appendix D); whence tindómerel 'daughter of the twilight'; a poetic name for the nightingale (Sindarin  
Tinúviel)。 It appears also in Sindarin ithildin 'starmoon'; the substance of which the devices on the West…gate of  
Moria were made。 
tir 'watch; watch over' in Minas Tirith; palantíri; Tar…Palantir; Tirion。 
tol 'isle' (rising with sheer sides from the sea or from a river) in Tol Eress?a; Tol Galen; etc。 
turn 'valley' in Tumhalad; Tumladen; Quenya tumbo (cf。 Treebeard's tumbalemorna 'lack deep valley'。 The  
Two Towers III 4)。 Cf。 Utumno; Sindarin Ud?n (Gandalf in Mordor named the Balrog 'Flame of Ud?n'); a name  
afterwards used of the deep dale in Moria between the Morannon and the Isenmouths。 
tur 'power; mastery' in Turambar; Turgon; Túrin; F?anturi; Tar…'Minyatur。 
uial 'twilight' in Aelin…uial; Nenuial。 
ur… 'heat; be hot' in Urulóki; cf。 Urim? and Urui; Quenya and Sindarin names of the eighth month of the  
year (The Lord of the Rings Appendix D)。 Related is the Quenya word aure 'sunlight; day' (cf。 Fingon's cry 'before  
the Nirnaeth Arnoediad); Sindarin aur; which in the form Or… is prefixed to the names of the days of the week。 
val… 'power' in Valar; Valacirca; Valaquenta; Valaraukar; Val(i)mar; Valinor。 The original stem was bal…;  
preserved in Sindarin Balan; plural Belain; the Valar; and in Balrog。 
wen 'maiden' is a frequent ending; as in E?rwen; Morwen。 
wing 'foam; spray' in Elwing; Vingilot (and only in these two names)。 
yave 'fruit' (Quenya) in Yavanna; cf。 Yavannie; Quenya name of the ninth month of the year; and yavie  
'autumn' (The Lord of the Rings Appendix D)。 
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