《the silmarillion》



the silmarillion- 第76部分

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in Ered Wethrin; ThurIngw?thil。 (This Sindarin word referred to dim light; not to the shadows of objects cast by  
light: these were called morchaint 'dark shapes'。) 
hadhod in Hadhodrond (translation of Khazad…d?m) was a rendering of Khazad into Sindarin sounds。 
haudh 'mound' in Haudh…en…Arwen; Haudh…en…Elleth; etc。 
heru 'lord' in Herumor; Herunúmen; Sindarin hir in Gonnhirrim; Rohirrim; Barahir; híril 'lady' in Hírilorn。 
him 'cool' in Himlad (and Himring?)。 
h?n 'children' in Eruhini 'Children of Eru'; Narn i H?n Húrin。 
hith 'mist' in Hithaeglir; Hithlum (also in Nen Hithoel; a lake in Anduin)。 Hithlum is Sindarin in form;  
adapted from the Quenya name Hísilóm? given by the Noldorin exiles (Quenya hísi? 'mist'; cf。 Hísim?; the name of  
the eleventh month of the year。 The Lord of the Rings Appendix D)。 
hoth 'host; horde' (nearly always in a bad sense) in Tol…in…Gaurhoth; also in Loss(h)oth; the Snowmen of  
Forochel (The Lord of the Rings Appendix A 'I; iii') and Glamhoth 'din…horde'; a name for Orcs。 
hyarmen 'south' (Quenya) in Hyarmentir; Sindarin har…; harn; harad。 
ia 'void; abyss' m Moria。 
iant 'bridge' in Iant Iaur。 
iath 'fence' in Doriath。 
iaur 'old' in Iant Iaur; cf。 the Elvish name of Bombadil; Iarwain。 
ilm… This stem appears in Ilmen; Ilmar?; and also in Ilmarin ('mansion of the high airs'; the dwelling of  
Manw? and Varda upon Oioloss?)。 
ilúv? 'the whole; the all' in Ilúvatar。 
kal' (gal…) This root; meaning 'shine'; appears in Calacirya; Calaquendi; Tar…Calion; galvorn; Gil…galad;  
Galadriel。 The last two names have no connexion with Sindarin galadh tree'; although in the case of Galadriel such a  
connexion was often made; and the name altered to Galadhriel。 In the High…elven speech her name was Al(a)táriel;  
derived from alata 'radiance' (Sindarin galad) and riel 'garlanded maiden' (from a root rig… 'twine; wreathe'): the  
whole meaning 'maiden crowned with a radiant garland'; referring to her hair。 calen (galen) 'green' is etymologically  
'bright'; and derives from this root; see also aglar。 
káno 'mander': this Quenya word is the origin of the second element m Fingon and Turgon。 
kel… 'go away'; of water 'flow away; flow down'; in Celon; from et…kele 'issue of water; spring' was derived;  
with transposition of the consonants; Quenya ehtele; Sindarin eithel。 
kemen 'earth' in Kementári; a Quenya word referring to the earth as a flat floor beneath menel; the heavens。 
kheliek… 'ice' in Helcar; Helcarax? (Quenya helka 'icy; ice…cold')。 But in Helevorn the first element is Sindarin  
heledh 'glass'; taken from Khuzdul kheled (cf。 Kheled…zaram 'Mirrormere'); Helevorn means 'black glass' (cf。  
khil… 'follow' in Hildor; Hildórien; Eluchíl。 
kir… 'cut; cleave' in Calacirya; Cirth; Angerthas; Cirith (Ninniach; Thoronath)。 From the sense 'pass swiftly  
through' was derived Quenya círya 'sharp…prowed ship' (cf。 English cutter); and this meaning appears also in Círdan;  
Tar…Ciryatan; and no doubt in the name of Isildur's son Círyon。 
lad 'plain; valley' in Dagorlad; Himlad; imlad a narrow valley with steep sides; in Imladris (cf。 also Imlad Morgul  
in the Ephel Dúath)。 
laure 'gold' (but of light and colour; not of the metal) in Laurelin; the Sindarin forms in Glóredhel;  
Glorfindel; Loeg Ningloron; Lórindol; Rathlóriel。 
lhach 'leaping flame' m Dagor Bragollach; and probably in Anglachel (the sword made by E?l of meteoric  
lin (1) 'pool; mere' in Linaewen (which contains aew 'Quenya aiwe' 'small bird'); Teiglin; cf。 aelin。 
lin… (2) This root; meaning 'sing; make a musical sound'; occurs in Ainulindal?; Laurelin; Lindar; Lindon; Ered  
Lindon; lómelindi。 
lith 'ash' in Anfauglith; Dor…nu…Fauglith; also in Ered Lithui; the Ashen Mountains; forming the northern border of  
Mordor; and Lithlad 'Plain of Ashes* at the feet of Ered Lithui。 
lok… 'bend; loop' in Urulóki (Quenya 'h'lók? 'snake; serpent'; Sindarin Ih?g)。 
lóm 'echo' in Dor…lómin; Ered Lómin; related are Lammoth; Lanthir Lamath。 
lóm? 'dusk' m Lómion; lómelindi; see dú。 
lond? 'land…locked haven' in Alqualond?; the Sindarin form lond (lonn) in Mithlond。 
los 'snow' in Oioloss? (Quenya oio 'ever' and losse 'snow; snow…white'); Sindarin loss in Amon Uilos and  
loth 'flower' in Lothlórien; Nimloth; Quenya lót? in Ninquelót?; Vingilót?。 
luin 'blue' in Ered Luin; Helluin; Luinil; Mindolluin。 
maeg 'sharp; piercing' (Quenya maika) in Maeglin。 
mal… 'gold' in Malduin; Malinalda; also m mallorn; and in the Field of Cormallen; which means 'golden  
circle' and was named from the culumalda trees that grew there (see cul…)。 
man… 'good; blessed; unmarred' in Aman; Manw?; derivatives of Aman in Amandil; Araman; úmanyar。 
mel… 'love' in Melian (from Melyanna 'dear gift'); this stem is seen also in the Sindarin word mellon 'friend'  
m the inscription on the West…gate of Moria。 
men 'way' in Númen; Hyarmen; Rómen; Formen。 
menel 'the heavens' m Meneldil; Menelmacar; Meneltarma。 
mereth 'feast' in Mereth Aderthad; also in Merethrond; the Hall of Feasts in Minas Tirith。 
minas 'tower' in Annúminas; Minas Anor; Minas Tirith; etc。 The same stem。 occurs in other words referring to  
isolated; prominent; things; e。g。 Mindolluin; Mindon; probably related is Quenya minya 'first' (cf。 Tar…Minyatur; the  
name of Elros as first King of Númenor)。 
m?r 'jewel' (Quenya m?r?) m Elemmír?; Gwaith…i…Mírdain; Míriel; Nauglamír; Tar…Atanamir。 
mith 'grey' in Mithlond; Mithrandir; Mithrim; also hi Mitheithel; the river Hoarwell in Eriador。 
mor 'dark' in Mordor; Morgoth; Moria; Moriquendi; Mormegil; Morwen; etc。 
moth 'dusk' in Nan Elmoth。 
nan(d) 'valley' m Nan Dungortheb; Nan Elmoth; Nan Tathren。 
nár 'fire' in Narsil; Narya; present also in the original forms of Aegnor (Aikanáro 'Sharp Flame' or 'Fell Fire') and  
F?anor (Feanaro 'Spirit of Fire')。 The Sindarin form was naur; as in Sammath Naur; the Chambers of Fire in  
Orodruin。 Derived from the same ancient root (a)nar was the name of the Sun; Quenya Anar (also in Anárion);  
Sindarin Anor (cf。 Minas Anor; Anorien)。 
naug 'dwarf' in Naugrim; see also Nogrod in entry groth。 Related is another Sindarin word for 'dwarf';  
nogoth; plural noegyth (Noegyth Nibin 'Petty…dwarves') and nogothrim。 
…(n)dil is a very frequent ending of personal names; Amandil; E?rendil (shortened E?rnil); Elendil; Mardil;  
etc。; it implies 'devotion'; 'disinterested love' (see Mardil in entry bar)。 
…{n)dur in names such as E?rendur (shortened E?rnur) is similar in meaning to …(n)dil。 
neldor 'beech' in Neldoreth; but it seems that this was properly the name of Hírilorn; the great beech…tree with  
three trunks (nelde 'three' and orn)。 
nen 'water'; used of lakes; pools; and lesser rivers; in Nen Girith; Nenning; Nenuial; Nenya; Cuiviénen;  
Uinen; also in many names in The Lord of the Rings; as Nen Hithoel; Bruinen; Emyn Arnen; Núrnen。 N?n 'wet' in  
Loeg Ningloron; also in Nindalf。 
nim 'white' (from earlier nimf; nimp) in Nimbrethil; Nimloth; Nimphelos; niphredil (niphred 'pallor'); Barad  
Nimras; Ered Nimrais。 The Quenya form was ninque; thus Ninquelót?=Nimloth。 Cf。 also Taniquetil。 
orn 'tree' in Celeborn; Hírilorn; cf。 Fangorn 'Treebeard' and mallorn; plural mellyrn; the trees of Lothlórien。 
orod 'mountain' in Orodruin; Thangorodrim; Orocarni; Orom?t。 Plural ered in Ered Engrin; Ered Linden;  
os(t) 'fortress' in Angrenost; Belegost; Formenos; Fornost; Mandos; Nargothrond (from Narog…ost…rond);  
Os(t)giliaih; Ost…in…Edhil。 
palan (Quenya) 'far and wide' in Palantíri; Tar…Palantir。 
pel… 'go round; encircle' in Pelargir; Pelóri; and in the Pelennor; the 'fenced land' of Minas Tirith; also in  
Ephel Brandir; Ephel Dúath (ephel from et…pel 'outer fence')。 
quen… (quet…) 'say; speak' in Quendi (Calaquendi; Laiquendi; Moriquendi); Quenya; Valaquenta; Quenta  
Silmarillion。 The Sindarin forms have p (or b) for qu; e。g。 pedo 'speak' in the inscription on the West…gate of Moria;  
corresponding to the Quenya stem quet; and Gandalf's words before the gate; lasto beth lammen 'listen to the words  
of my tongue'; where beth 'word' corresponds to Quenya quetta。 
ram 'wall' (Quenya ramba) in Andram; Ramdal; also in Rammas Echor; the wall about the Pelennor Fields  
at Minas Tirith。 
ran… 'wander; stray' in Rána; the Moon; and in Mithrandir; Aerandir; also in the river Gilraen in Gondor。 
rant 'course' in the river…names Adurant (with adu 'double') and Celebrant ('Silverlode')。 
ras 'horn' in Barad Nimras; also in Caradhras ('Redhorn') and Methedras ('Last Peak') in the Misty Mountains;  
plural rais in Ered Nimrais。 
rauko 'demon' in Valaraukar; Sindarin raug; rog in Balrog。 
ril 'brilliance' in Idril; Silmaril; also in Anduril (the sword of Aragorn) and in mithril (Moria…silver)。  
Idril's name in Quenya form was Itarill? (or Itarild?); from a stem ita… 'sparkle'。 
rim 'great number; host' (Quenya rimbe) was monly used to form collective plurals; as Golodhrim;  
Mithrim (see the Index); Naugrim; Thangorodrim; etc。 
ring 'cold; chill' in Ringil; Ringwil; Himring; also in the river Ringló in Gondor; and in Ringar?; Quenya  
name of the last month of the year (The Lord of the Rings Appendix D)。 
ris 'cleave' appears to have blended with the stem kris… of similar meaning (a derivative of the root kir…  
'cleave; cut'; q。v。); hence Angrist (also Orcrist 'Orc…cleaver'; the sword of Thorin Oakenshield); Crissaegrim;  
roch 'horse' (Quenya rokko) in Rochallor; Rohan (from Rochand 'land of horses'); Rohirrim; also in  
Roheryn 'horse of the lady' (cf。 heru); Aragorn's horse; which was so called because given to him by Arwen (The  
Return of the King V 2)。 
rom… A stem used of the sound of trumpets and horns which appears in Orom? and Valaróma; cf。 Bema; the  
name of this Vala in the language of Rohan as translated into Anglo…Saxon in The Lord of the Rings Appendix A (II):  
Anglo…Saxon b?me 'trumpet'。 
romen 'uprising; sunrise; east' (Quenya) in Romenna。 The Sindarin words for 'east'; rh?n (in Talath Rhunen)  
and amr?n; were of the same origin。 
rond meant a vaulted or arched roof; or a large hall or chamber so roofed; so Nargothrond (see ost);  
Hadhodrond; Aglarond。 It could be applied to the heavens; hence the name Elrond 'star…dome'。 
ros 'foam; spindrift; spray' in Celebros; Elros; Rauros; also in Cair Andros; an island in the river Anduin。  
ruin 'red flame' (Quenya runya) in Orodruin。 
ruth 'anger' in Aranrúth。 
sarn '(small) stone' in Sarn Athrad (Sarn Ford on the Brandywine is a half…translation of this); also in Sarn  
Gebir ('stone…spikes': ceber; plural cebir 'stakes'); rapids in the river Anduin。 A derivative is Serni; a river m Gondor。 
sereg 'blood' (Quenya serke) in seregon。 
sil… (and variant thil…) 'shine (with white or silver light)' in Belthil; Galathilion; Silpion; and in Quenya Isil; Sindarin  
Ithil; the Moon (whence Isildur; Narsil; Minas Ithil; Ithilien)。 The Quenya word Silmarilli is said to derive from the  
name silima that F?anor gave to the substance from which they were made。 
s?r 'river'; from root sir… 'flow'; in Os
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