《the silmarillion》



the silmarillion- 第74部分

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end of the First Age。 90; 109; 125…8; 136;139…40; 180…3; 215; 221; 232; 234; 240; 254; 312; 320; 353…4; 364 
Thargelion 'The Land beyond Gelion'; between Mount Rerir and the river Ascar; where Caranthir dwelt; called  
also Dor Caranthir and Talath Rhunen。 148; 158; 171; 174; 184 
Thingol 'Grey…cloak'; 'Grey…mantle' (in Quenya Sindacollo; Singollo); the name by which Elw?; leader with his  
brother Olw? of the host of the Teleri from Cuiviénen and afterwards King of Doriath; was known in Beleriand; also  
called the Hidden King。 See Elw?。 58; 103…10; 125; 130…1; 134; 145; 151…5; 157; 172; 176…7; 182; 190; 199…204;  
208…9; 217; 222…7; 229…30; 243…7; 260; 267;269;280; 285…92; 297; 315 
Thorondor 'King of Eagles'。 Cf。 The Return of the King VI 4: 'Old Thorondor; who built his eyries in the  
inaccessible peaks of the Encircling Mountains when Middle…earth was young'。 See Crissaegrim。 129; 149; 186; 191;  
221; 281; 297; 301; 312 
Thousand Caves See Menegroth。 
Thranduil Sindarin Elf; King of the Silvan Elves in the north of Greenwood the Great (Mirkwood); father of  
Legolas; who was of the Fellowship of the Ring。 371 
ThurIngw?thil 'Woman of Secret Shadow'; the messenger of Sauron from Tol…in…Gaurhoth who took the form of a  
great bat; and in whose shape Lúthien entered Angband。 216 
Tilion A Maia; steersman of the Moon。 114…7 
Tintall? 'The Kindler'; a name of Varda as maker of the Stars。 She is called thus in Galadriel's lament in Lórien;  
The Fellowship of the Ring II 8。 Cf。 Elbereth; Elentári。 48 
Tinúviel The name that Beren gave to Lúthien: a poetic word for the nightingale; 'Daughter of Twilight'。 See  
Tirion 'Great Watch…tower'; the city of the Elves on the hill of Túna in Aman。 62; 65…7; 74…5; 77…8; 83; 91;  
94…6; 117; 134…5; 149…52; 205; 297; 307; 361 
Tol Eress?a 'The Lonely Isle' (also simply Eress?a); on which the Vanyar and the Noldor and afterwards the Teleri  
were drawn across the ocean by Ulmo; and which was at last rooted in the Bay of Eldamar near to the coasts of  
Aman。 On Eress?a the Teleri long remained before they went to Alqualond?; and there dwelt many of the Noldor and  
the Sindar after the ending of the First Age。 50; 60…2; 64; 118; 306; 310; 315; 321; 324; 331; 345; 349; 355; 362 
Tol Galen  'The Green Isle' in the river Adurant in Ossiriand; where Beren and Lúthien dwelt after their return。  
147; 229; 290 
Tol…in…Gaurhoth 'Isle of Werewolves'; name of Tol Sirion after its capture by Sauron。 188; 208; 210 
Tol Morwen Island in the sea after the drowning of Beleriand on which stood the memorial stone of Túrin; Nienor;  
and Morwen。 284 
Tol Sirion Island in the river in the Pass of Sirion on which Finrod built the tower of Minas Tirith; after its  
capture by Sauron named Tol…in…Gaurhoth。 133; 142; 188 
Tulkas A Vala; the 'greatest in strength and deeds of prowess'; who came last to Arda; also called Astaldo。 18;  
22; 29…31; 47; 51; 52; 70…1; 77…80; 85…7 
Tumhalad Valley in the land between the rivers Ginglith and Narog; where the host of Nargothrond was defeated。  
Tumladen 'The Wide Valley'; the hidden vale in the Encircling Mountains in the midst of which stood the city of  
Gondolin。 (Tumladen was afterwards the name of a valley in Gondor: The Return of the King V 1)。 135; 149; 160;  
191; 221; 296; 301 
Tumunzahar See Nogrod。 104 
Túna The green hill in the Calacirya on which Tirion; the city of the Elves; was built。 62; 65…7; 75; 79; 91;  
96; 100;117; 135; 149; 307; 324; 344 
Tuor Son of Huor and Rían; fostered by the Grey…elves of Mithrim; entered Gondolin bearing the message  
of Ulmo; wedded Idril Turgon's daughter; and with her and their son E?rendil escaped from the destruction of the  
City; in his ship E?rrám? set sail into the West。 177; 242; 294…304; 308 
Turambar 'Master of Doom'; the last name taken by Túrin; during his days in the Forest of Brethil。 266; 270…80;  
Turgon Called the Wise; the second son of Fingolfin; dwelt at Vinyamar in Nevrast before he departed in  
secret to Gondolin; which he ruled until his death in the sack of the city; father of Idril the mother of E?rendil 64; 93;  
100…2; 133; 135; 140…1; 149…51;155…7; 160; 163…5; 186; 191…3; 221; 231…2; 234…7; 240; 247; 281…2; 294…300; 302;  
308; 315 
T?r Haretha The burial…mound of the Lady Haleth in the Forest of Brethil (see Haudh…en…Arwen)。 176 
Túrin Son of Húrin and Morwen; chief subject of the lay named Narn i H?n Húrin from which Chapter XXI  
was derived。 For his other names see Neithan; Gorthol; Agarwaen; Mormegil; Wildman of the Woods; Turambar。  
177; 178; 205; 242…66; 271; 274…80; 284 
Twilight Meres See Aelin…uial。 
Two Kindreds Elves and Men。 307…8; 319; 366 
Two Trees of Valinor 33…4; 45…6; 53…4; 58; 61…2; 65; 71…2; 78; 83…4; 86; 109; 111…6; 119; 151; 288; 296; 302; 336…7 
Uinen A Maia; the Lady of the Seas; spouse of Oss?。 24; 36; 60; 98 
úlairi See Ring…wraiths。 
Uldor Called the Accursed; son of Ulfang the Black; slain by Maglor in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 189; 232;  
235…7; 311 
Ulfang Called the Black; a chieftain of the Easterlings; who with his three sons followed Caranthir; and  
proved faithless in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 189; 231; 235 
Ulfast Son of Ulfang the Black; slain by the sons of Bor in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 189; 235 
Ulmo A Vala; one of the Aratar; called Lord of Waters and King of the Sea; The name was interpreted by the  
Eldar to mean 'The Pourer' or 'The Rainer'。 See especially 19…20; 36。 8…10; 18…24; 36; 44; 51; 52; 59…61; 64; 70; 97;  
116; 120; 133…5; 141; 146; 149…52; 187; 190; 240; 256; 260; 294…8; 301…2; 305…6; 308 
Ulumúri The great horns of Ulmo made by the Maia Salmar。 19; 36; 59 
Ulwarth Son of Ulfang the Black; slain by the sons of Bor in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 189; 235 
úmanyar Name given to those Elves who went on the westward Journey from Cuiviénen but did not reach  
Aman: 'Those not of Aman'; beside Amanyar 'Those of Aman'。 54; 58 
úmarth 'Ill…fate'; a fictitious name for his father given out by Túrin in Nargothrond。 257 
Umbar Great natural haven and fortress of the Númenóreans south of the Bay of Belfalas。 334 
Undying Lands Aman and Eress?a; also called the Deathless Lands。 308; 320; 324; 345; 348 
Ungoliant The great spider; destroyer with Melkor of the Trees of Valinor。 Shelob in The Lord of the Rings was  
'the last child of Ungoliant to trouble the unhappy world' (The Two Towers IV 9)。 79…80; 84; 85; 88…90; 100; 109;  
116; 144; 157;198;307 
Union of Maedhros The league formed by Maedhros to defeat Morgoth that ended in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad 230 
Urthel One of the twelve panions of Barahir on Dorthonion。 187 
Urulóki Quenya word meaning 'fire…serpent'; dragon。 137; 294…304; 308 
Utumno The first great stronghold of Melkor; in the north of Middle…earth; destroyed by the Valar。 31; 37; 46;  
51…2; 81; 91; 114; 139 
Vair? 'The Weaver'; one of the Valier; the spouse of Námo Mandos。 18; 21 
Valacirca 'The Sickle of the Valar'; name of the constellation of the Great Bear。 48; 211 
Valandil Youngest son of Isildur; third King of Arnor。 367 
Valaquenta 'Account of the Valar'; a short work treated as a separate entity from The Silmarillion proper。 
Valar 'Those with Power'; 'The Powers' (singular Vala); name given to those great Ainur who entered into E?  
at the beginning of Time; and assumed the function of guarding and governing Arda。 Called also the Great Ones; the  
Rulers of Arda; the Lords of the West; the Lords of Valinor。 Passim; see especially 10…12; 37; 81…2; and see also  
Ainur; Aratar。 
Valaraukar 'Demons of Might' (singular Valarauko); Quenya form corresponding to Sindarin Balrog。 26 
Valaróma The horn of the Vala Orom?。 22; 37; 85; 108…9 
Valier 'The Queens of the Valar' (singular Valie); a term used only in the Valaquenta。 18; 20; 23 
Valimar See Valmar。 
Valinor The land of the Valar in Aman; beyond the mountains of the Pelóri; also called the Guarded Realm。  
Passim; see especially 32…3; 117 
Valmar The city of the Valar in Valinor; the name also occurs in the form Valimar。 In Galadriel's lament in  
Lórien (The Fellowship of the Ring II 8) Valimar is made equivalent to Valinor。 21…3; 33; 51; 57; 64; 70; 76…9; 82…4;  
94; 117; 227…8; 307…8 
Vána One of the Valier; the sister of Yavanna and spouse of Orom?; called the Ever…young。 18; 23; 114 
Vanyar The first host of the Eldar on the westward journey from Cuiviénen; led by Ingw?。 The name (singular  
Vanya) means 'the Fair'; referring to the golden hair of the Vanyar; see Finarfin。 35; 55; 59; 62…5; 69; 71; 83…4; 91;  
112…4; 117; 155; 163; 310;315 
Varda 'The Exalted'; 'The Lofty'; also called the Lady of the Stars。 Greatest of the Valier; the spouse of  
Manw?; dwelling with him on Taniquetil。 Other names of Varda; as maker of the Stars; were Elbereth; Elentári;  
Tintall?。 See especially 18…9; 18…9; 23…4; 29; 32; 34…6; 47…8; 54; 62; 73; 83…4; 86; 93; 113…6; 211; 313…6 
Vása 'The Consumer'; a name of the Sun among the Noldor。 114 
Vilya One of the Three Rings of the Elves; the Ring of Air; borne by Gil…galad and afterwards by Elrond;  
also called The Ring of Sapphire。 357; 370 
Vingilot (In full Quenya form Vingilót?)。 'Foam…flower'; the name of E?rendil's ship; see Rothinzil。 305; 310;  
312; 319 
Vinyamar The house of Turgon in Nevrast under Mount Taras。 The meaning is probably 'New Dwelling'。 135;  
141; 150; 155; 295…7 
Voronw? 'The Steadfast'; Elf of Gondolin; the only mariner to survive from the seven ships sent into the West after the  
Nirnaeth Arnoediad; met with Tuor at Vinyamar and guided him to Gondolin。 240; 295 
Westernesse See Anad?n?; Númenor。 
White Council The Council of the Wise in the Third Age formed to oppose Sauron。 373…5 
White Mountain See Taniquetil。 
White Tree See Telperion; Galathilion; Nimhth (1)。 The White Trees of Minas Ithil and Minas Anor: 337; 342;  
361; 364…8; 378 
Wildman of the Woods Name adopted by Túrin when he first came among the Men of Brethil。 265 
Wilwarin Name of a constellation。 The word meant 'butterfly' in Quenya; and the constellation was perhaps  
Cassiopeia。 48 
Wizards See Istari。 372 
Woodland Elves See Silvan Elves。 
Yavanna 'Giver of fruits'; one of the Valier; numbered among the Aratar; the spouse of Aul?; called also Kementári See  
especially 20…1。 18; 20…3; 29…30; 33…5; 43…7; 57; 62; 82; 86…8; 90; 103; 113…4; 120; 321; 324; 362 
Year of Lamentation The year of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 151; 243 
Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names 
These notes have been piled for those who take an interest in the Eldarin languages; and The Lord of the Rings is  
extensively drawn upon for illustration。 They are necessarily very pressed; giving an air of certainty and finality that  
is not altogether justified; and they are very selective; this depending both on considerations of length and the limitations  
of the editor's knowledge。 The headings are not arranged systematically by roots or in Quenya or Sindarin forms; but  
somewhat arbitrarily; the aim being to make the ponent elements of names as readily identifiable as possible。 
adan (plural Edain) in Adanedhel; Aradan; Dúnedain。 For its meaning and history see Atan
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