《the silmarillion》



the silmarillion- 第72部分

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Hithaeglir; of Mithrim; see Mithrim; of Shadow; see Ered Wethrin and Ephel Dúath; of Terror; see Ered Gorgoroth。 
Mount Doom See Amon Amarth。 
Music of the Ainur See Ainulindal?。 
Nahar The horse of the Vala Orom?; said by the Eldar to be so named on account of his voice。 22; 37; 49…50;  
54; 85; 108 
Námo A Vala; one of the Aratar; usually named Mandos; the place of his dwelling。 Námo means 'Ordainer;  
Judge'。 21 
Nandor Said to mean 'Those who turn back': the Nandor were those Elves from the host of the Teleri who  
refused to cross the Misty Mountains on the westward journey from Cuiviénen; but of whom a part; led by Denethor;  
came long afterwards over the Blue Mountains and dwelt in Ossiriand (the Green…elves)。 55; 107; 146; 244 
Nan Dungortheb Also Dungortheb; translated in the text as 'Valley of Dreadful Death'。 The valley between the  
precipices of Ered Gorgoroth and the Girdle of Melian。 90; 144; 157;  198; 214 
Nan Elmoth The forest east of the river Celon where Elw? (Thingol) was enchanted by Melian and lost; afterwards  
the dwelling…place of E?l。 58; 61; 104; 158…62; 170; 247;289 
Nan…tathren 'Willow…vale'; translated as 'the Land of Willows'; where the river Narog flowed into Sirion。 In  
Treebeard's song in The Two Towers III 4 Quenya forms of the name are used: in the willow…meads of Tasarinan;  
Nan…tasarion。 142; 239; 301…2 
Nargothrond 'The great underground fortress on the river Narog'; founded by Finrod Felagund and destroyed by  
Glaurung; also the realm of Nargothrond extending east and west of the Narog。 134…5; 142…6; 151; 155; 167; 170;  
176; 182…3; 188…9; 193; 203…7; 210; 214; 223; 230; 232…4; 239; Chapter XXI passim; 284…5; 287; 295; 297; 354 
Narn i H?n Húrin 'The Tale of the Children of Húrin'; the long lay from which Chapter XXI was derived; ascribed to the  
poet Dirhavel; a Man who lived at the Havens of Sirion in the days of E?rendil and perished in the attack of the sons  
of F?anor。 Narn signifies a tale made in verse; but to be spoken and not sung; 243 
Narog The chief river of West Beleriand; rising at Ivrin under Ered Wethrin and flowing into Sirion in Nan… 
tathren。 109; 133…4; 142; 145; 203…6; 268; 284 
Narsil The sword of Elendil; made by Telchar of Nogrod; that was broken when Elendil died in bat with  
Sauron; from the shards it was reforged for Aragorn and named Anduril。 364…5 
Narsilion The Song of the Sun and Moon。 113 
Narya One of the Three Rings of the Elves; the Ring of Fire or the Red Ring; borne by Círdan and afterwards  
by Mithrandir。 357; 370; 378 
Nauglamír 'The Necklace of the Dwarves'; made for Finrod Felagund by the Dwarves; brought by Húrin out of  
Nargothrond to Thingol; and the cause of his death。 134; 285…7; 291 
Naugrim 'The Stunted People'; Sindarin name for the Dwarves。 103…5; 107…9; 132; 159; 161; 231; 236; 289 
Nazg?l See Ring…wraiths。 
Necklace of the Dwarves See Nauglamír。 
Neithan Name given to himself by Túrin among the outlaws; translated as 'The Wronged' (literally 'one who is  
deprived')。 245 
Neldoreth The great beech…forest forming the northern part of Doriath; called Taur…na…Neldor in Treebeard's  
song in The Two Towers HI 4。 57; 103; 105; 109; 145; 199; 208; 242; 289 
Nénar Name of a star。 48 
Nen Girith 'Shuddering Water'; name given to Dimrost; the falls of Celebros in the Forest of Brethil。 270…4; 276 
Nenning River in West Beleriand; reaching the sea at the Haven of Eglarest。 142; 239; 259 
Nenuial 'Lake of Twilight'; in Eriador; where the river Baranduin rose; and beside which the city of Annúminas  
was built。 361 
Nenya One of the Three Rings of the Elves; the Ring of Water; borne by Galadriel; also called the Ring of  
Adamant; 357; 370 
Nerdanel Called the Wise; daughter of Mahtan the smith; wife of F?anor。 69; 71; 75 
Nessa One of the Valier; the sister of Orom? and spouse of Tulkas。 18; 22; 31 
Nevrast The region west of Dor…lómin; beyond Ered Lómin; where Turgon dwelt before his departure to  
Gondolin。 The name; meaning 'Hither Shore'; was originally that of all the northwestern coast of Middle…earth (the  
opposite being Haerast 'the Far Shore'; the coast of Aman)。 133…5; 141; 149…50; 156; 239; 240; 295; 302 
Nienna One of the Valier; numbered among the Aratar; Lady of pity and mourning; the sister of Mandos and  
Lórien; see especially 21…2。 18; 21…2; 25; 33; 70; 87; 113 
Nienor 'Mourning'; the daughter of Húrin and Morwen and sister of Túrin; spell…bound by Glaurung at  
Nargothrond and in ignorance of her past wedded Túrin in Brethil in her name Níniel; cast herself into the Teiglin。  
243; 260; 263…4; 267…79 
Nimbrethil Birch…woods in Arvernien in the south of Beleriand。 Cf。 Bilbo's song at Rivendell: 'He built a boat of  
timber felled in Nimbrethil to journey in …' (The Fellowship of the Ring II 1)。 304 
Nimloth (1) The White Tree of Númenor; of which a fruit taken by Isildur before it was felled grew into the White  
Tree of Minas Ithil。 Nimloth 'White Blossom' is the Sindarin form of Quenya Ninquelót?; one of the names of  
Telperion。 62; 324; 331…2; 336…8; 342; 361…2 
Nimloth (2) Elf of Doriath who wedded Dior Thingol's Heir; mother of Elwing; slain in Menegroth in the attack by  
the sons of F?anor。 290…1 
Nimphelos The great pearl given by Thingol to the lord of the Dwarves of Belegost。 105 
Níniel 'Tear…maiden'; the name that Túrin; ignorant of their relationship; gave to his sister; see Nienor。 
Ninquelót? 'White Blossom'; a name of Telperion; see Nimloth (1)。 33 
niphredil A white flower that bloomed in Doriath in starlight when Lúthien was born。 It grew also on Cerin  
Amroth in Lothlórien (The Fellowship of the Ring II 6; 8)。 103 
Nirnaeth Arnoediad 'Tears Unnumbered' (also simply the Nirnaeth); the name given to the ruinous fifth battle in  
the Wars of Beleriand。 166; 234…8; 242; 254; 257; 294; 297…8 
Nivrim That part of Doriath that lay on the west bank of Sirion。 145 
Noegyth Nibin 'Petty…dwarves' (see also under Dwarves)。 250; 284 
Nogrod One of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains; translation into Sindarin of Dwarvish  
Tumunzahar。 See Hollowbold。 104; 107; 132; 158; 161; 215; 231; 250; 285…8; 291 
Noldolant? 'The Fall of the Noldor'; a lament made by Maglor son of F?anor。 98 
Noldor The Deep Elves; the second host of the Eldar on the westward journey from Cuiviénen; led by Finw?。  
The name (Quenya Noldo; Sindarin Golodh) meant 'the Wise' (but wise in the sense of possessing knowledge; not in  
the sense of possessing sagacity; sound judgement)。 For the language of the Noldor see Quenya; Passim; see  
especially 35; 54; 63…8; 137; 356 
Nóm; Nómin 'Wisdom' and 'the Wise'; the names that the Men of B?or's following gave to Finrod and his people in  
their own tongue。 168 
North Downs In Eriador; where was built the Númenórean city of Fornost 360 
Nulukkizd?n Dwarvish name of Nargothrond。 284 
Númenor (In full Quenya form Númenór?; 321…2; 347。) 'Westernesse'; 'Westland'; the great island prepared by  
the Valar as a dwelling…place for the Edain after the ending of the First Age。 Called also Anad?n?; Andor; Elenna; the  
Land of the Star; and after its downfall Akallabêth; Atalant?; and Mar…nu…Falmar。 62; 177; 321…37; 341…7; 354; 358… 
63; 368; 375 
Númenóreans The Men of Númenor; called also Dúnedain。 24; 321…35; 337…9; 342…7; 355; 359…65;367…70;372;376… 
Nurtal? Valinóreva 'The Hiding of Valinor'。 118 
Ohtar 'Warrior'; esquire of Isildur; who brought the shards of Elendil's sword to Imladris。 367 
Oioloss? 'Ever…snow…white'; the most mon name among the Eldar for Taniquetil; rendered into Sindarin as Amon  
Uilos; but according to the Valaquenta it was the uttermost tower of Taniquetil。。 19; 32 
Oiomúr? A region of mists near to the Helcarax?。 88 
Olórin A Maia; one of the Istari (Wizards); see Mithrandir; Gandalf; and cf。 The Two Towers IV 5: 'Olórin I  
was in my youth in the West that is forgotten'。 25…6 
olvar An Elvish word retained in the speeches of Yavanna and Manw? in Chapter II; meaning 'growing  
things with roots in the earth'; 43…4 
Olw? Leader together with his brother Elw? (Thingol) of the hosts of the Teleri on the westward journey  
from Cuiviénen; lord of the Teleri of Alqualond? in Aman。 54…8; 60…1; 63…5; 97…100; 107; 130; 152 
Ondolind? 'Stone Song'; the original Quenya name of Gondolin。 149 
Orcs Creatures of Morgoth。 Passim; for their origin see 50; 106 
Orfalch Echor The great ravine through the Encircling Mountains by which Gondolin was approached。 296 
Ormal One of the Lamps of the Valar made by Aul?; Ormal stood in the south of Middle…earth。 29…30 
Orocarni The Mountains of the East of Middle…earth (the name means 〃the Red Mountains')。 49 
Orodreth The second son of Finarfin; warden of the tower of Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion; King of Nargothrond  
after the death of Finrod his brother; father of Finduilas; slain in the Battle of Tumhalad。 64; 93; 142; 187…8; 206;  
209; 213; 230; 257…61; 266 
Orodruin 'Mountain of Blazing Fire' in Mordor; in which Sauron forged the Ruling Ring; called also Amon  
Amarth 'Mount Doom'。 357; 363…6 
Orom? A Vala; one of the Aratar; the great hunter; leader of the Elves from Cuiviénen; spouse of Vana。 The  
name means 'Horn…blowing' or 'Sound of Horns'; cf。 Valaróma; in The Lord of the Rings it appears in the Sindarin  
form Araw。 See especially 22…3。 18; 22…3; 31。 37; 47; 49…51; 53…5; 59; 63; 65; 79…82; 85; 93; 106; 108; 114; 184;  
209; 225 
Orom?t A hill pear the haven of Andúni? in the west of Númenor; on which was built the tower of Tar… 
Minastir。 332 
Orthanc 'Forked Height'; the Númenórean tower in the Circle of Isengard。 361…2; 372 
Osgiliath 'Fortress of the Stars'; the chief city of ancient Gondor; on either side of the river Anduin。 361…4; 368 
Oss? A Maia; vassal of Ulmo; with whom he entered the waters of Arda; lover and instructor of the Teleri。  
24; 36; 60…1; 64; 98; 141; 240; 321 
Ossiriand 'Land of Seven Rivers' (these being Gelion and its tributaries flowing down from the Blue Mountains);  
the land of the Green…elves。 Cf。 Treebeard's song in The Two Towers III 4: 'I wandered in Summer in the elm…woods  
of Ossiriand。 Ah! the light and the music in the Summer by the Seven Rivers of Ossir!' See Lindon。 108; 110; 133;  
144…8; 167; 170…1; 182; 184; 229; 239; 289…91; 354 
Ost…in…Edhil 'Fortress of the Eldar'; the city of the Elves in Eregion。 354…6 
Outer Lands Middle…earth (also called the Hither Lands)。 35; 36; 47; 88; 102; 115; 308 
Outer Sea See Ekkaia。 
Palantíri 'Those that watch from afar'; the seven Seeing Stones brought by Elendil and his sons from Númenor;  
made by F?anor in Aman (see 69; and The Two Towers III 11)。 342; 362 
Pelargir 'Garth of Royal Ships;' the Númenórean haven above the delta of Anduin。 329 
Pelóri 'The fencing or defensive heights'; called also the Mountains of Aman and the Mountains of Defence;  
raised by the Valar after the destruction of their dwelling on Almaren; ranging in a crescent from north to south; close  
to the eastern shores of Aman。 32; 34; 46; 59; 62; 80…1; 88; 115…7; 210 
People of Haleth See Haladin and Haleth。 
Periannath The Halflings (Hobbits)。 316 
Petty…dwarves Transl
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