《the silmarillion》



the silmarillion- 第67部分

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Bor A chieftain of the Easterlings; follower with his three sons of Maedhros and Maglor。 189; 231。 Sons of  
Bor 235 
Borlach One of the three sons of Bor; slain with his brothers in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 189 
Borlad One of the three sons of Bor; see Borlach。 
Boromir Great…grandson of B?or the Old; grandfather of Barahir father of Beren; first lord of Ladros。 177 
Boron Father of Boromir。 177 
Borthand One of the three sons of Bor; see Borlach。 
Bragollach See Dagor Bragollach。 
Brandir Called the Lame; ruler of the People of Haleth after the death of Handir his father; enamoured of  
Nienor; slain by Túrin。 266; 271…7 
Bregolas Father of Baragund and Belegund; slain in the Dagor Bragollach。 177;182; 187 
Bregor Father of Barahir and Bregolas。 177 
Brethil The forest between the rivers Teiglin and Sirion; dwelling…place of the Haladin (the People of Haleth)。  
142; 176; 187; 190…2; 214; 231; 234; 238; 246; 249; 251; 260; 266; 269…72; 277…8; 282…3 
Bridge of Esgalduin See Iant Iaur。 
Brilthor 'Glittering Torrent'; the fourth of the tributaries of Gelion in Ossiriand。 147 
Brithiach The ford over Sirion north of the Forest of Brethil。 157; 163; 176; 190; 253; 281; 282 
Brithombar The northern of the Havens of the Falas on the coast of Beleriand。 60; 125; 142; 239; 304 
Brithon The river that flowed into the Great Sea at Brithombar。 239 
Brodda An Easterling in Hithlum after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad who took as wife Aerin; kinswoman of Húrin;  
slain by Túrin。 243; 264 
Cabed…en…Aras Deep gorge in the river Teiglin; where Túrin slew Glaurung; and where Nienor leapt to her death; see  
Cabed Naeramarth。 272; 275; 278 
Cabed Naeramarth 'Leap of Dreadful Doom'; name given to Cabed…en…Aras after Nienor leapt from its cliffs。  
276; 282 
Calacirya 'Cleft of Light'; the pass made in the mountains of the Pelóri; in which was raised the green hill of  
Túna。 62; 65; 79; 101; 117…8; 307 
Calaquendi 'Elves of the Light'; those Elves who lived or had lived in Aman (the High Elves)。 See Moriquendi and  
Dark Elves; 54; 58; 121; 125 
Calenardhon 'The Green Province'; name of Rohan when it was the northern part of Gondor; cf。 Ard…galen。 369 
Camlost 'Empty…handed'; name taken by Beren after his return to King Thingol without the Silmaril。 221; 226 
Caragd?r The precipice on the north side of Amon Gwareth (the hill of Gondolin) from which E?l was cast to  
his death。 165 
Caranthir The fourth son of F?anor; called the Dark; 'the harshest of the brothers and the most quick to anger';  
ruled in Thargelion; slain in the assault on Doriath。 63; 93; 131…2; 148; 154; 158; 171; 184; 189; 292 
Carcharoth The great wolf of Angband that bit off the hand of Beren bearing the Silmaril; slain by Huan in  
Doriath。 The name is translated in the text as 'the Red Maw'。 Called also Anfauglir。 218…20; 223…6 
Cardolan Region in the south of Eriador; a part of the Kingdom of Arnor。 360 
Carnil Name of a (red) star。 48 
Celeborn (1) 'Tree of Silver'; name of the Tree of Tol Eress?a; a scion of Galathilion。 62; 324 
Celeborn (2) Elf of Doriath; kinsman of Thingol; wedded Galadriel and with her remained in Middle…earth after the  
end of the First Age。 134…5; 290; 315; 370 
Celebrant 'Silver Lode'; river running from Mirrormere through Lothlórien to join the Anduin。 370 
Celebrimbor 'Hand of Silver'; son of Curufin; who remained in Nargothrond when his father was expelled。 In the  
Second Age greatest of the smiths of Eregion; maker of the Three Rings of the Elves; slain by Sauron。 214; 355; 357 
Celebrindal 'Silverfoof'; see Idril。 
Celebros 'Silver Foam' or 'Silver Rain'; a stream in Brethil falling down to Teiglin near the Crossings。 270 
Celegorm The third son of F?anor; called the Fair; until the Dagor Bragollach lord of the region of Himlad with  
Curufin his brother; dwelt in Nargothrond and imprisoned Lúthien; master of Huan the wolfhound; slain by Dior in  
Menegroth。 63; 65…6; 93; 124; 147; 157…8; 161; 183; 204…6; 208…9; 213…5; 223; 230; 292; 355 
Celon River flowing southwest from the Hill of Himring; a tributary of Aros。 The name means 'stream  
flowing down from heights'。 109; 148; 158; 161; 170; 176; 188 
Children of Ilúvatar Also Children of Eru: translations of Hini Ilúvataro; Eruhini; the Firstborn and the  
Followers; Elves and Men。 Also The Children; Children of the Earth; Children of the World。 Passim; see especially  
7…8; 37…8 
Círdan 'The Shipwright'; Telerin Elf; lord of the Falas (coasts of West Beleriand); at the destruction of the  
Havens after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad escaped with Gil…galad to the Isle of Balar; during the Second and Third Ages  
keeper of the Grey Havens in the Gulf of Lh?n; at the ing of Mithrandir entrusted to him Narya; the Ring of Fire。  
60; 103…4; 110; 124; 133; 142; 153; 194; 239…40; 260; 302; 304…5; 315; 366; 370…3; 378 
Cirith Ninniach 'Rainbow Cleft'; by which Tuor came to the Western Sea; see Annon…in…Gelydh。 294 
Cirith Thoronath 'Eagles' Cleft'; a high pass in the mountains north of Gondolin; where Glorfindel fought with a Balrog  
and fell into the abyss。 301 
Cirth The Runes; first devised by Daeron of Doriath。 108 
Ciryon Third son of Isildur; slain with him at the Gladden Fields。 366 
Corollaír? 'The Green Mound' of the Two Trees in Valinor; also called Ezellohar。 33 
Crissaegrim The mountain…peaks south of Gondolin; where were the eyries of Thorondor。 144; 186; 191; 221; 246;  
Crossings of Teiglin In the southwest of the Forest of Brethil; where the old road southward from the Pass of  
Sirion crossed the Teiglin。 176; 252; 267; 269; 275; 277; 282 
Cuiviénen 'Water of Awakening'; the lake in Middle…earth where the first Elves awoke; and where they were  
found by Orom?。 48; 50…4; 57; 92; 114; 288 
Culúrien A name of Laurelin。 33 
Curufin The fifth son of F?anor; called the Crafty; father of Celebrimbor。 For the origin of his name see  
F?anor; and for his history see Celegorm。 63; 93; 147; 157; 161…2; 183; 204…5; 208…9; 213…5; 222…3; 230;292; 355 
Curufinw? See F?anor。 67; 75 
Curunír 'The one of cunning devices'。 Elvish name of Saruman; one of the Istari (Wizards)。 372…7 
Cúthalion 'Strongbow'; see Beleg。 
Daeron Minstrel and chief loremaster of King Thingol; deviser of the Cirth (Runes); enamoured of Lúthien  
and twice betrayed her。 108; 133; 200; 208; 222; 314 
Dagnir One of the twelve panions of Barahir on Dorthonion。 187 
Dagnir Glaurunga 'Glaurung's Bane'; Túrin。 177; 278 
Dagor Aglareb 'The Glorious Battle'; third of the great battles in the Wars of Beleriand。 135…6; 139; 149 
Dagor Bragollach 'The Battle of Sudden Flame' (also simply the Bragollach); fourth of the great battles in the  
Wars of Beleriand。 181; 187; 190; 193; 230; 233; 239; 260 
Dagorlad 'Battle Plain'; the place of the great battle north of Mordor between Sauron and the Last Alliance of  
Elves and Men at the end of the Second Age。 364; 367 
Dagor…nuin…Giliath 'The Battle…under…Stars'; the second battle in the Wars of Beleriand; fought in Mithrim after  
the ing of F?anor to Middle…earth。 124 
Dairuin One of the twelve panions of Barahir on Dorthonion。 187 
Dark Elves In the language of Aman all Elves that did not cross the Great Sea were Dark Elves (Moriquendi); and  
the term is sometimes used thus; 121; 131; when Caranthir called Thingol a Dark Elf it was intended opprobriously;  
and was especially so; since Thingol had been to Aman 'and was not accounted among the Moriquendi' (56)。 But in  
the period of the Exile of the Noldor it was often used of the Elves of Middle…earth other than the Noldor and the  
Sindar; and is then virtually equivalent to Avari (120; 146; 168)。 Different again is the title Dark Elf of the Sindarin  
Elf E?l; 158; 162; 247; but at 164 Turgon no doubt meant that E?l was of the Moriquendi。 
Dark Lord; The The term is used of Morgoth; 280; and of Sauron; 359; 371; 375 
Day of Flight See 359 
Deathless Lands See Undying Lands。 
Deldúwath One of the later names of Dorthonion (Taur…nu…Fuin); meaning 'Horror of Night…shadow'。 186 
Denethor Son of Lenw?; leader of the Nandorin Elves that came at last over the Blue Mountains and dwelt in  
Ossiriand; slain on Amon Ereb in the First Battle of Beleriand。 56; 108…9;146 
Dimbar The land between the rivers Sirion and Mindeb。 144; 157; 191; 214; 246…7; 251…3; 281 
Dimrost The falls of Celebros in the Forest of Brethil; translated in the text as 'the Rainy Stair'。 Afterwards  
called Nen Girith。 270 
Dior Called Aranel; and also Eluchíl 'Thingol's Heir'; son of Beren and Lúthien and father of Elwing;  
Elrond's mother; came to Doriath from Ossiriand after the death of Thingol; and received the Silmaril after the death  
of Beren and Lúthien; slain in Menegroth by the sons of F?anor。 229; 290…3; 297; 302; 305; 310; 314 
Dispossessed; The The House of F?anor。 99; 130 
Del Guldur 'Hill of Sorcery'; fastness of the Necromancer (Sauron) in southern Mirkwood in the Third Age。 372…5 
Dolmed 'Wet Head' a great mountain in the Ered Luin; near the Dwarf…cities of Nogrod and Belegost 104; 110;  
236; 290 
Dor Caranthir 'Land of Caranthir'; see Thargelion。 148; 174; 184 
Dor…Cúarthol 'Land of Bow and Helm'; name of the country defended by Beleg and Túrin from their lair on Amon  
R?dh。 252 
Dor Daedeloth 'Land of the Shadow of Horror'; the land of Morgoth in the north。 124; 127; 130 
Dor Dínen 'The Silent Land'; where nothing dwelt; between the upper waters of Esgalduin and Aros。 145 
Dor Firn…i…Guinar 'Land of the Dead that Live'; name of that region in Ossiriand where Beren and Lúthien dwelt  
after their return。 229; 291 
Doriath 'Land of the Pence' (Dor Iath); referring to the Girdle of Melian; earlier called Eglador; the kingdom  
of Thingol and Melian in the forests of Neldoreth and Region; ruled from Menegroth on the river Esgalduin。 Also  
called the Hidden Kingdom。 Passim; see especially 111; 144…5 
Dorlas A Man of the Haladin in Brethil; went with Túrin and Hunthor to the attack on Glaurung; but withdrew  
in fear; slain by Brandir the Lame。 266; 271…2; 276。 The wife of Dorlas; not named; 276。 
Dor…lómin Region in the south of Hithlum; the territory of Fingon; given as a fief to the House of Hador; the  
home of Húrin and Morwen。 101; 140…2; 177; 187; 191…3; 232; 237; 242…4; 251; 257; 260; 263…7; 276…7; 282; 284;  
286; 294。 The Lady of Dor…lómin: Morwen。 242 
Dor…nu…Fauglith 'Land under Choking Ash'; see Anfauglith。 184; 221 
Dorthonion 'Land of Pines'; the great forested highlands on the northern borders of Beleriand; afterwards called  
Taur…nu…Fuin。 Cf。 Tree…beard's song in The Two Towers III 4: 'To the pine…trees upon the highland of Dorthonion I  
climbed in the Winter…' 52; 109; 124; 130; 135…7; 141…4; 146…8; 172; 177; 181…4; 186; 194…7; 231 
Dragon…helm of Dor…lómin Heirloom of the House of Hador; worn by Túrin; also called the Helm of Hador。  
114; 251; 260; 284 
Dragons 235; 300; 312; 320; 358; 371 
Draugluin The great werewolf slain by Huan at Tol…in…Gaurhoth; and in whose form Beren entered Angband。  
211; 216…18 
Drengist The long firth that pierced Ered Lómin; the west…fence of Hithlum。 56; 89; 101; 111; 115; 136; 140; 194 
Dry River The river that once flowed out under 
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