《the fellowship of the ring》



the fellowship of the ring- 第42部分

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 into dells; and hugged steep banks; and where it passedover flatter and more open ground on either side of it there were lines oflarge boulders and hewn stones that screened the travellers almost like ahedge。 
'I wonder who made this path; and what for;' said Merry; as they walkedalong one of these avenues; where the stones were unusually large and closelyset。 'I am not sure that I like it: it has a – well; rather a barrow…wightishlook。 Is there any barrow on Weathertop?' 
'No。 There is no barrow on Weathertop; nor on any of these hills;' 
answered Strider。 'The Men of the West did not live here; though in theirlatter days they defended the hills for a while against the evil that came outof Angmar。 This path was made to serve the forts along the walls。 But longbefore; in the first days of the North Kingdom; they built a great watch…toweron Weathertop; Amon S。l they called it。 It was burned and broken; and nothing  
remains of it now but a tumbled ring; like a rough crown on the old hill'shead。 Yet once it was tall and fair。 It is told that Elendil stood there  
watching for the ing of Gil…galad out of the West; in the days of the LastAlliance。'  
The hobbits gazed at Strider。 It seemed that he was learned in old lore; 
as well as in the ways of the wild。 'Who was Gil…galad?' asked Merry; butStrider did not answer; and seemed to be lost in thought。 Suddenly a low voicemurmured:  
Gil…galad was an Elven…king。 
Of him the harpers sadly sing: 
the last whose realm was fair and free  
between the Mountains and the Sea。  
His sword was long; his lance was keen; 
his shining helm afar was seen; 
the countless stars of heaven's field  
were mirrored in his silver shield。  
But long ago he rode away; 
and where he dwelleth none can say; 
for into darkness fell his star  
in Mordor where the shadows are。  
The others turned in amazement; for the voice was Sam's。 
'Don't stop!' said Merry。 
'That's all I know;' stammered Sam; blushing。 'I learned it from Mr。 
Bilbo when I was a lad。 He used to tell me tales like that; knowing how I wasalways one for hearing about Elves。 It was Mr。 Bilbo as taught me my letters。 
He was mighty book…learned was dear old Mr。 Bilbo。 And he wrote _poetry。_ Hewrote what I have just said。' 
'He did not make it up;' said Strider。 'It is pan of the lay that iscalled _The Fall of Gil…galad;_ which is in an ancient tongue。 Bilbo must havetranslated it。 I never knew that。'  
'There was a lot more;' said Sam; 'all about Mordor。 I didn't learn thatpart; it gave me the shivers I never thought I should be going that waymyself!' 
'Going to Mordor!' cried Pippin。 'I hope it won't e to that!' 
'Do not speak that name so loudly!' said Strider。  
It was already mid…day when they drew near the southern end of the path; 
and saw before them; in the pale clear light of the October sun; a grey…greenbank; leading up like a bridge on to the northward slope of the hill Theydecided to make for the top at once; while the daylight was broad Concealmentwas no longer possible; and they could only hope that no enemy or spy wasobserving them。 Nothing was to be seen moving on the hill。 If Gandalf wasanywhere about; there was no sign of him。 
On the western flank of Weathertop they found a sheltered hollow; at thebottom of which there was a bowl…shaped dell with grassy sides。 There theyleft Sam and Pippin with the pony and their packs and luggage。 The other threewent on。 After half an hour's plodding climb Strider reached the crown of thehill; Frodo and Merry followed; tired and breathless。 The last slope had beensteep and rocky。 
On the top they found; as Strider had said; a wide ring of ancientstonework; now crumbling or covered with age…long grass。 But in the centre acairn of broken stones had been piled。 They were blackened as if with fire。 
About them the turf was burned to the roots and all within the ring the grasswas scorched and shrivelled; as if flames had swept the hill…top; but therewas no sign of any living thing。 
Standing upon the rim of the ruined circle; they saw all round below them  
a wide prospect; for the most pan of lands empty and featureless; except forpatches of woodland away to the south; beyond which they caught here and therethe glint of distant water。 Beneath them on this southern side there ran likea ribbon the Old Road; ing out of the West and winding up and down; untilit faded behind a ridge of dark land to the east。 Nothing was moving on it。 
Following its line eastward with their eyes they saw the Mountains: the nearerfoothills were brown and sombre; 
behind them stood taller shapes of grey; and behind those again were highwhite peaks glimmering among the clouds。 
'Well; here we are!' said Merry。 'And very cheerless and uninviting itlooks! There is no water and no shelter。 And no sign of Gandalf。 But I don'tblame him for not waiting – if he ever came here。' 
'I wonder;' said Strider; looking round thoughtfully。 'Even if he was aday or two behind us at Bree; he could have arrived here first。 He can ridevery swiftly when need presses。' Suddenly he stooped and looked at the stoneon the top of the cairn; it was flatter than the others; and whiter; as if ithad escaped the fire。 He picked it up and examined it; turning it in hisfingers。 〃This has been handled recently;' he said。 'What do you think ofthese marks?'  
On the flat under…side Frodo saw some scratches: 'There seems to he a  
stroke; a dot; and three more strokes;' he said。 
'The stroke on the left might be a G…rune with thin branches;' saidStrider。 'It might be a sign left by Gandalf; though one cannot be sure。 Thescratches are fine; and they certainly look fresh。 But the marks might meansomething quite different; and have nothing to do with us。 Rangers use runes; 
and they e here sometimes。' 
'What could they mean; even if Gandalf made them?' asked Merry 
'I should say;' answered Strider; 'that they stood for G3; and were asign that Gandalf was here on October the third: that is three days ago now。 
It would also show that he was in a hurry and danger was at hand; so that hehad no time or did not dare to write anything longer or plainer。 If that isso; we must be wary。' 
'I wish we could feel sure that he made the marks; whatever they maymean;' said Frodo 'It would be a great fort to know that he was on the way; 
in front of us or behind us。'  
'Perhaps;' said Strider。 'For myself; I believe that he was here; and wasin danger。 There have been scorching flames here; and now the light that wesaw three nights ago in the eastern sky es back to my mind。 I guess that hewas attacked on this hill…top; but with what result I cannot tell。 He is hereno longer; and we must now look after ourselves and make our own way toRivendell; as best we can ' 
'How far is Rivendell?' asked Merry; gazing round wearily。 The worldlooked wild and wide from Weathertop。 
'I don't know if the Road has ever been measured in miles beyond the_Forsaken Inn;_ a day's journey east of Bree;' answered Strider。 'Some say itis so far; and some say otherwise。 It is a strange road; and folk are glad toreach their journey's end; whether the time is long or short。 But I know howlong it would take me on my own feet; with fair weather and no ill fortunetwelve days from here to the Ford of Bruinen; where the Road crosses theLoudwater that runs out of Rivendell。 We have at least a fortnight's journeybefore us; for I do not think we shall be able to use the Road。' 
'A fortnight!' said Frodo。 'A lot may happen in that time。' 
'It may;' said Strider。 
They stood for a while silent on the hill…top; near its southward edge。 
In that lonely place Frodo for the first time fully realized his homelessnessand danger。 He wished bitterly that his fortune had left him in the quiet andbeloved Shire。 He stared down at the hateful Road; leading back westward – tohis home。 Suddenly he was aware that two black specks were moving slowly alongit; going westward; and looking again he saw that three others were creepingeastward to meet them。 He gave a cry and clutched Strider's arm。  
'Look;' he said; pointing downwards。 
At once Strider flung himself on the ground behind the ruined circle; 
pulling Frodo down beside him。 Merry threw himself alongside。 
'What is it?' he whispered。 
'I do not know; but I fear the worst;' answered Strider。 
Slowly they crawled up to the edge of the ring again; and peered througha cleft between two jagged stones。 The light was no longer bright; for theclear morning had faded; and clouds creeping out of the East had now overtakenthe sun; as it began to go down。 They could all see the black specks; butneither Frodo nor Merry could make out their shapes for certain; yet somethingtold them that there; far below; were Black Riders assembling on the Roadbeyond the foot of the hill。 
'Yes;' said Strider; whose keener sight left him in no doubt。 'The enemyis here!'  
Hastily they crept away and slipped down the north side of the hill tofind their panions。  
Sam and Peregrin had not been idle。 They had explored the small dell andthe surrounding slopes。 Not far away they found a spring of clear water in thehillside; and near it footprints not more than a day or two old。 In the dellitself they found recent traces of a fire; and other signs of a hasty camp。 
There were some fallen rocks on the edge of the dell nearest to the hill。 
Behind them Sam came upon a small store of firewood neatly stacked。 
'I wonder if old Gandalf has been here;' he said to Pippin。 'Whoever itwas put this stuff here meant to e back it seems。' 
Strider was greatly interested in these discoveries。 'I wish I had waitedand explored the ground down here myself;' he said; hurrying off to the springto examine the footprints。 
'It is just as I feared;' he said; when he came back。 'Sam and Pippinhave trampled the soft ground; and the marks are spoilt or confused。 Rangershave been here lately。 It is they who left the firewood behind。 But there arealso several newer tracks that were not made by Rangers。 At least one set wasmade; only a day or two ago; by heavy boots。 At least one。 I cannot now becertain; but I think there were many booted feet。' He paused and stood inanxious thought。 
Each of the hobbits saw in his mind a vision of the cloaked and booted  
Riders。 If the horsemen had already found the dell; the sooner Strider ledthem somewhere else the better。 Sam viewed the hollow with great dislike; nowthat he had heard news of their enemies on the Road; only a few miles away。 
'Hadn't we better clear out quick; Mr。 Strider?' he asked impatiently。 
'It is getting late; and I don't like this hole: it makes my heart sinksomehow。'  
'Yes; we certainly must decide what to do at once;' answered Strider; 
looking up and considering the time and the weather。 'Well; Sam;' he said atlast; 'I do not like this place either; but I cannot think of anywhere betterthat we could reach before nightfall。 At least we are out of sight for themoment; and if we moved we should be much more likely to be seen by spies。 Allwe could do would be to go right out of our way back north on this side of theline of hills; where the land is all much the same as it is here。 The Road iswatched; but we should have to cross it; if we tried to take cover in thethickets away to the south。 On the north side 
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