。 and there never was a time when animals could talk。 do you hear?鈥
〃yes; uncle;〃 sobbed caspian。
〃then lets have no more of it;〃 said the king。 then he called to one of the gentlemen…in…waiting who were standing at the far end of the terrace and said in a cold voice; 〃conduct his royal highness to his apartments and send his royal highnesss nurse to me at once。鈥
next day caspian found what a terrible thing he had done; for nurse had been sent away without even being allowed to say good…bye to him; and he was told he was to have a tutor。
caspian missed his nurse very much and shed many tears; and because he was so miserable; he thought about the old stories of narnia far more than before。 he dreamed of dwarfs and dryads every night and tried very hard to make the dogs and cats in the castle talk to him。 but the dogs only wagged their tails and the cats only purred。
caspian felt sure that he would hate the new tutor; buy when the new tutor arrived about a week later he turns out to be the sort of person it is almost impossible not to like。
he was the smallest; and also the fattest; man caspian had ever seen。 he had a long; silvery; pointed beard which came down to his waist; and his face; which was brown and covered with wrinkles; looked very wise; very ugly; and very kind。 his voice was grave and his eyes were merry so that; until you got to know him really well; it was hard to know when he was joking and when he was serious。 his name was doctor cornelius。
of all his lessons with doctor cornelius the one that caspian liked best was history。 up till now; except for nurses stories; he had known nothing about the history of narnia; and he was very surprised to learn that the royal family were newers in the country。
〃it was your highnesss ancestor; caspian the first;〃 said doctor cornelius; 〃who first conquered narnia and made it his kingdom。 it was he who brought all your nation into the country。 you are not native narnians at all。 you are all telmarines … that is; you all came from the land of telmar; far beyond the western mountains。 that is why caspian the first is called caspian the conqueror。鈥
〃please; doctor;〃 asked caspian one day; 〃who lived in narnia before we all came here out of telmar?鈥
〃no men … or very few … lived in narnia before the telmarines took it;〃 said doctor cornelius。
〃then who did my great…great…grandcesters conquer?鈥
〃whom; not who; your highness;〃 said doctor cornelius。 〃perhaps it is time to turn from history to grammar。鈥
〃oh please; not yet!〃 said caspian。
〃i mean; wasnt there a battle? why is he called caspian the conqueror if there was nobody to fight with him?鈥
〃i said there were very few men in narnia;〃 said the doctor; looking at the little boy very strangely through his great spectacles。
for a moment caspian was puzzled and then suddenly his heart gave a leap。 〃do you mean;〃 he gasped; 〃that there were other things? do you mean it was like in the stories?
were there…?鈥
〃hush!〃 said doctor cornelius; laying his head very close to caspians。 〃not a word more。 dont you know your nurse was sent away for telling you about old narnia? the king doesnt like it。 if he found me telling you secrets; youd be whipped and i should have my head cut off。鈥
〃but why?〃 asked caspian。
〃1t is high time we turned to grammar now;〃 said doctor cornelius in a loud voice。 〃will your royal highness be pleased to open pulverulentus siccus at the fourth page of his grammatical garden or the arbour of accidence pleasantlie opend to tender wits?鈥
after that it was all nouns and verbs till lunchtime; but i dont think caspian learned much。 he was too excited。 he felt sure that doctor cornelius would not have said so much unless he meant to tell him more sooner or later。
in this he was not disappointed。 a few days later his tutor said; 〃tonight i am going to give you a lesson in astronomy。 at dead of night two noble planets; tarva and alambil; will pass within one degree of each other。 such a conjunction has not occurred for two hundred years; and your highness will not live to see it again。 it will be best if you go to bed a little earlier than usual。 when the time of the conjunction draws near i will e and wake you。鈥
this didnt seem to have anything to do with old narnia; which was what caspian really wanted to hear about; but getting up in the middle of the night is always interesting and he was moderately pleased。 when he went to bed that night; he thought at first that he would not be able to sleep; but he soon dropped off and it seemed only a few minutes before he felt someone gently shaking him。
he sat up in bed and saw that the room was full of moonlight。 doctor cornelius; muffled in a hooded robe and holding a small lamp in his hand; stood by the bedside。
caspian remembered at once what they were going to do。 he got up and put on some clothes。 athough it was a summer night he felt colder than he had expected and was quite glad when the doctor wrapped him in a robe like his own and gave him a pair of warm; soft buskins for his feet。 a moment later; both muffled so that they could hardly be seen in the dark corridors; and both shod so that they made almost no noise; master and pupil left the room。
caspian followed the doctor through many passages and up several staircases; and at last; through a little door in a turret; they came out upon the leads。 on one side were the battlements; on the other a steep roof; below them; all shadowy and shimmery; the castle gardens; above them; stars and moon。 presently they came to another door; which led into the great central tower of the whole castle: doctor cornelius unlocked it and they began to climb the dark winding stair of the tower。 caspian was being excited; he had never been allowed up this stair before。
it was long and steep; but when they came out on the roof of the tower and caspian had got his breath; he felt that it had been well worth it。 away on his right he could see; rather indistinctly; the western mountains。 on his left was the gleam of the great river; and everything was so quiet that he could hear the sound of the waterfall at beaversdam; a mile away。 there was no difficulty in picking out the two stars they had e to see。
they hung rather low in the southern sky; almost as bright as two little moons and very close together。
〃are they going to have a collision?〃 he asked in an awestruck voice。
〃nay; dear prince;〃 said the doctor (and he too spoke in a whisper)。 〃the great lords of the upper sky know the steps of their dance too well for that。 look well upon them。 their meeting is fortunate and means some great good for the sad realm of narnia。 tarva; the lord of victory; salutes alambil; the lady of peace。 they are just ing to their nearest。鈥
〃its a pity that tree gets in the way;〃 said caspian。 〃wed really see better from the west tower; though it is not so high。鈥
doctor cornelius said nothing for about two minutes; but stood still with his eyes fixed on tarva and alambil。 then he drew a deep breath and turned to caspian。
〃there;〃 he said。 〃you have seen what no man now alive has seen; nor will see again。
and you are right。 we should have seen it even better from the smaller tower。 i brought you here for another reason。鈥
caspian looked up at him; but the doctors hood concealed most of his face。
〃the virtue of this tower;〃 said doctor cornelius; 〃is that we have six empty rooms beneath us; and a long stair; and the door at the bottom of the stair is locked。 we cannot be overheard。鈥
〃are you going to tell me what you wouldnt tell me the other day?〃 said caspian。
〃i am;〃 said the doctor。 〃but remember。 you and i must never talk about these things except here … on the very top of the great tower。鈥
〃no。 thats a promise;〃 said caspian。 〃but do go on; please。鈥
〃listen;〃 said the doctor。 〃all you have heard about old narnia is true。 it is not the land of men。 it is the country of aslan; the country of the waking trees and visible naiads; of fauns and satyrs; of dwarfs and giants; of the gods and the centaurs; of talking beasts。 it was against these that the first caspian fought。 it is you telmarines who silenced the beasts and the trees and the fountains; and who killed and drove away the dwarfs and fauns; and are now trying to cover up even the memory of them。 the king does not allow them to be spoken of。鈥
〃oh; i do wish we hadnt;〃 said caspian。 〃and i am glad it was all true; even if it is all over。鈥
〃many of your race wish that in secret;〃 said doctor cornelius。
〃but; doctor;〃 said caspian; 〃why do you say my race? after all; i suppose youre a telmarine too。鈥
〃am i?〃 said the doctor。
〃well; youre a man anyway;〃 said caspian。
〃am i?〃 repeated the doctor in a deeper voice; at the same moment throwing back his hood so that caspian could see his face clearly in the moonlight。
all at once caspian realized the truth and felt that he ought to have realized it long before。 doctor cornelius was so small; and so fat; and had such a very long beard。 two thoughts came into his head at the same moment。 one was a thought of terror … 〃hes not a real man; not a man at all; hes a dwarf; and hes brought me up here to kill me。〃 the other was sheer delight … 〃there are real dwarfs still; and ive seen one at last。鈥
〃so youve guessed it in the end;〃 said doctor cornelius。 〃or guessed it nearly right。 im not a pure dwarf。 i have human blood in me too。 many dwarfs escaped in the great battles and lived on; shaving their beards and wearing highheeled shoes and pretending to be men。 they have mixed with your telmarines。 i am one of those; only a halfdwarf; and if any of my kindred; the true dwarfs; are still alive anywhere in the world; doubtless they would despise me and call me a traitor。 but never in all these years have we forgotten our own people and all the other happy creatures of narnia; and the long…lost days of freedom。鈥
〃im … im sorry; doctor;〃 said caspian。 〃it wasnt my fault; you know。鈥
〃i am not saying these things in blame of you; dear prince;〃 answered the doctor。 〃you may well ask why i say them at all。 but i have two reasons。 firstly; because my old heart has carried these secret memories so long that it aches with them and would burst if i did not whisper them to you。 but secondly; for this: that when you bee king you may help us; for i know that you also; telmarine though you are; love the old things。鈥
〃i do; i do;〃 said caspian。 〃but how can i help?鈥
〃you can be kind to the poor remnants of the dwarf people; like myself。 you can gather learned magicians and try to find a way of awaking the trees once more。 you can search through all the nooks and wild places of the land to see if any fauns or talking beasts or dwarfs are perhaps still alive in hiding。鈥
〃do you think there are any?〃 asked caspian eagerly。
〃i dont know … i dont know;〃 said the doctor with a deep sigh。 〃sometimes i am afraid there cant be。 i have been looking for traces of them all my life。 sometimes i have thought i heard a dwarf…drum in the mountains。 sometimes at night; in the woods; i thought i had caught a g