〃thats right。 cross it and strike uphill; and well be at the stone table (aslans how; i mean) by eight or nine oclock。 i hope king caspian will give us a good breakfast!鈥
〃i hope youre right;〃 said susan。 〃i cant remember all that at all。鈥
〃thats the worst of girls;〃 said edmund to peter and the dwarf。 〃they never carry a map in their heads。鈥
〃thats because our heads have something inside them;〃 said lucy。
at first things seemed to be going pretty well。 they even …thought they had struck an old path; but if you know anything about woods; you will know that one is always finding imaginary paths。 they disappear after about five minutes and then you think you have found another (and hope it is not another but more of the same one) and it also disappears; and after you have been well lured out of your right direction you realize that none of them were pats at all。 the boys and the dwarf; however; were used to woods and were not taken in for more than a few seconds。
they had plodded on for about half an hour (three of them very stiff from yesterdays rowing) when trumpkin suddenly whispered; 〃stop。〃 they all stopped。 〃theres something following us;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃or rather; something keeping up with us: over there on the left。〃 they all stood still; listening and staring till their ears and eyes ached。 〃you and id better each have an arrow on the string;〃 said susan to trumpkin。
the dwarf nodded; and when both bows were ready for action the party went on again。
they went a few dozen yards through fairly open woodland; keeping a sharp look…out。
then they came to a place where the undergrowth thickened and they had to pass nearer to it。 just as they were passing the place; there came a sudden something that snarled and flashed; rising out from the breaking twigs like a thunderbolt。 lucy was knocked down and winded; hearing the twang of a bowstring as she fell。 when she was able to take notice of things again; she saw a great grim…looking grey bear lying dead with trumpkins arrow in its side。
〃the d。l。f。 beat you in that shooting match; su;〃 said #peter; with a slightly forced smile。 even he had been shaken by this adventure。
〃i … i left it too late;〃 said susan; in an embarrassed voice。 〃i was so afraid it might be; you know … one of our kind of bears; a talking bear。〃 she hated killing things。
〃thats the trouble of it;〃 said trumpkin; 〃when most of the beasts have gone enemy and gone dumb; but there are still some of the other kind left。 you never know; and you darent wait to see。鈥
〃poor old bruin;〃 said susan。 〃you dont think he was?鈥
〃not he;〃 said the dwarf。 〃i saw the face and i heard the snarl。 he only wanted little girl for his breakfast。 and talking of breakfast; i didnt want to discourage your majesties when you said you hoped king caspian would give you a good one: but meats precious scarce in camp。 and theres good eating on a bear。 it would be a shame to leave the carcass without taking a bit; and it wont delay us more than half an hour。 i dare say you two youngsters … kings; i should say … know how to skin a bear?鈥
〃lets go and sit down a fair way off;〃 said susan to lucy。 〃i know what a horrid messy business that will be。〃 lucy shuddered and nodded。 when they had sat down she said: 〃such a horrible idea has e into my head; su。 鈥
〃whats that?鈥
〃wouldnt it be dreadful if some day; in our own world; at home; men started going wild inside; like the animals here; and still looked like men; so that youd never know which were which?鈥
〃weve got enough to bother about here and now in narnia;〃 said the practical susan; 〃without imagining things like that。鈥
when they rejoined the boys and the dwarf; as much as they thought they could carry of the best meat had been cut off。 raw meat is not a nice thing to fill ones pockets with; but they folded it up in fresh leaves and made the best of it。 they were all experienced enough to know that they would feel quite differently about these squashy and unpleasant parcels when they had walked long enough to be really hungry。
on they trudged again (stopping to wash three pairs of hands that needed it in the first stream they passed) until the sun rose and the birds began to sing; and more flies than they wanted were buzzing in the bracken。 the stiffness from yesterdays rowing began to wear off。 everybodys spirits rose。 the sun grew warmer and they took their helmets off and carried them。
〃i suppose we are going right?〃 said edmund about an hour later。
〃i dont see how we can go wrong as long as we dont bear too much to the left;〃 said peter。 〃if we bear too much to the right; the worst that can happen is wasting a little time by striking the great river too soon and not cutting off the corner。鈥
and again they trudged on with no sound except the thud of their feet and the jingle of their chain shirts。
〃wheres this bally rush got to?〃 said edmund a good deal later。
〃i certainly thought wed have struck it by now;〃 said peter。 〃but theres nothing to do but keep on。〃 they both knew that the dwarf was looking anxiously at them; but he said nothing。
and still they trudged on and their mail shirts began to feel very hot and heavy。
〃what on earth?〃 said peter suddenly。
they had e; without seeing it; almost to the edge of a small precipice from which they looked down into a gorge with a river at the bottom。 on the far side the cliffs rose much higher。 none of the party except edmund (and perhaps trumpkin) was a rock climber。
〃im sorry;〃 said peter。 〃its my fault for ing this way。 were lost。 ive never seen this place in my life before。鈥
the dwarf gave a low whistle between his teeth。
〃oh; do lets go back and go the other way;〃 said susan。 〃i knew all along wed get lost in these woods。鈥
〃susan!〃 said lucy; reproachfully; 〃dont nag at peter like that。 its so rotten; and hes doing all he can。鈥
〃and dont you snap at su like that; either;〃 said edmund。 〃i think shes quite right。鈥
〃tubs and tortoiseshells!〃 exclaimed trumpkin。 〃if weve got lost ing; what chance have we of finding our way back? and if were to go back to the island and begin all over again … even supposing we could … we might as well give the whole thing up。 miraz will have finished with caspian before we get there at that rate。鈥
〃you think we ought to go on?〃 said lucy。
〃im not sure the high king is lost;〃 said trumpkin。 〃whats to hinder this river being the rush?鈥
〃because the rush is not in a gorge;〃 said peter; keeping his temper with some difficulty。
〃your majesty says is;〃 replied the dwarf; 〃but oughtnt you to say was? you knew this country hundreds … it may be a thousand … years ago。 maynt it have changed? a landslide might have pulled off half the side of that hill; leaving bare rock; and there are your precipices beyond the gorge。 then the rush might go on deepening its course year after
year till you get the little precipices this side。 or there might have been an earthquake; or anything。鈥
〃i never thought of that;〃 said peter。
〃and anyway;〃 continued trumpkin; 〃even if this is not the rush; its flowing roughly north and so it must fall into the great river anyway。 i think i passed something that might have been it; on my way down。 so if we go downstream; to our right; well hit the great river。 perhaps not so high as wed hoped; but at least well be no worse off than if youd e my way。鈥
〃trumpkin; youre a brick;〃 said peter。 〃e on; then。 down this side of the gorge。鈥
〃look! look! look!〃 cried lucy。
〃where? what?〃 said everyone。
〃the lion;〃 said lucy。 〃aslan himself。 didnt you see?〃 her face had changed pletely and her eyes shone。
〃do you really mean …?〃 began peter。
〃where did you think you saw him?〃 asked susan。
〃dont talk like a grown…up;〃 said lucy; stamping her foot。 〃i didnt think i saw him。 i saw him。鈥
〃where; lu?〃 asked peter。
〃right up there between those mountain ashes。 no; this side of the gorge。 and up; not down。 just the opposite of the way you want to go。 and he wanted us to go where he was … up there。鈥
〃how do you know that was what he wanted?〃 asked edmund。
〃he … i … i just know;〃 said lucy; 〃by his face。鈥
the others all looked at each other in puzzled silence。
〃her majesty may well have seen a lion;〃 put in trumpkin。 〃there are lions in these woods; ive been told。 but it neednt have been a friendly and talking lion any more than the bear was a friendly and talking bear。鈥
〃oh; dont be so stupid;〃 said lucy。 〃do you think i dont know aslan when i see him?鈥
〃hed be a pretty elderly lion by now;〃 said trumpkin; 〃if hes one you knew when you were here before! and if it could be the same one; whats to prevent him having gone wild and witless like so many others?鈥
lucy turned crimson and i think she would have flown at trumpkin; if peter had not laid his hand on her arm。 〃the d。l。f。 doesnt understand。 how could he? you must just take it; trumpkin; that we do really know about aslan; a little bit about him; i mean。 and you mustnt talk about him like that again。 it isnt lucky for one thing: and its all nonsense for another。 the only question is whether aslan was really there。鈥
〃but i know he was;〃 said lucy; her eyes filling with tears。
〃yes; lu; but we dont; you see;〃 said peter。
〃theres nothing for it but a vote;〃 said edmund。
〃all right;〃 replied peter。 〃youre the eldest; d。l。f。 what do you vote for? up or down?鈥
〃down;〃 said the dwarf。 〃i know nothing about aslan。 but i do know that if we turn left and follow the gorge up; it might lead us all day before we found a place where we could cross it。 whereas if we turn right and go down; were bound to reach the great river in about a couple of hours。 and if there are any real lions about; we want to go away from them; not towards them。鈥
〃what do you say; susan?鈥
〃dont be angry; lu;〃 said susan; 〃but i do think we should go down。 im dead tired。 do lets get out of this wretched wood into the open as quick as we can。 and none of us except you saw anything。鈥
〃edmund?〃 said peter。
〃well; theres just this;〃 said edmund; speaking quickly and turning a little red。 〃when we first discovered narnia a year ago … or a thousand years ago; whichever it is … it was lucy who discovered it first and none of us would believe her。 i was the worst of the lot; i know。 yet she was right after all。 wouldnt it be fair to believe her this time? i vote for going up。鈥
〃oh; ed!〃 said lucy and seized his hand。
〃and now its your turn; peter;〃 said susan; 〃and i do hope …鈥
〃oh; shut up; shut up and let a chap think;〃 interrupted peter。 〃id much rather not have to vote。 鈥
〃youre the high king;〃 said trumpkin sternly。
〃down;〃 said peter after a long pause。 〃i know lucy may be right after all; but i cant help it。 we must do one or the other。鈥
so they set off to their right along the edge; downstream。 and lucy came last of the party; crying bitterly。
the return of the lion to keep along the edge of the gorge was not so easy as it had looked。 before they had gone many yards they were confronted
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