ゞthe hunger games-滋偶嗄老(哂猟井)〃



the hunger games-滋偶嗄老(哂猟井)- 及48何蛍

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:I haven・t had the chance察─says Peeta with a slight shrug。
:It・s my fault察─I say。 :Because I used that tourniquet。;
:Yes察it・s your fault I・m alive察─says Peeta。
:He・s right察─says Caesar。 :He・d have bled to death for sure without it。;
I guess this is true察but I can・t help feeling upset about it to the extent that I・m afraid I might cry and then I remember everyone in the country is watching me so I just bury my face in Peeta・s shirt。 It takes them a couple of minutes to coax me back out because it・s better in the shirt察where no one can see me察and when I do e out察Caesar backs off questioning me so I can recover。 In fact察he pretty much leaves me alone until the berries e up。
:Katniss察I know you・ve had a shock察but I・ve got to ask。 The moment when you pulled out those berries。 What was going on in your mind 。 。 。 hm拭─he says。
I take a long pause before I answer察trying to collect my thoughts。 This is the crucial moment where I either challenged the Capitol or went so crazy at the idea of losing Peeta that I can・t be held responsible for my actions。 It seems to call for a big察dramatic speech察but all I get out is one almost inaudible sentence。 :I don・t know察I just 。 。 。 couldn・t bear the thought of 。 。 。 being without him。;
:Peeta拭Anything to add拭─asks Caesar。
:No。 I think that goes for both of us察─he says。
Caesar signs off and it・s over。 Everyone・s laughing and crying and hugging察but I・m still not sure until I reach Haymitch。 :Okay拭─I whisper。
:Perfect察─he answers。
I go back to my room to collect a few things and find there・s nothing to take but the mockingjay pin Madge gave me。 Someone returned it to my room after the Games。 They drive us through the streets in a car with blackened windows察and the train・s waiting for us。 We barely have time to say good´bye to Cinna and Portia察although we・ll see them in a few months察when we tour the districts for a round of victory ceremonies。 It・s the Capitol・s way of reminding people that the Hunger Games never really go away。 We・ll be given a lot of useless plaques察and everyone will have to pretend they love us。
The train begins moving and we・re plunged into night until we clear the tunnel and I take my first free breath since the reaping。 Effie is acpanying us back and Haymitch察too察of course。 We eat an enormous dinner and settle into silence in front of the television to watch a replay of the interview。 With the Capitol growing farther away every second察I begin to think of home。 Of Prim and my mother。 Of Gale。 I excuse myself to change out of my dress and into a plain shirt and pants。 As I slowly察thoroughly wash the makeup from my face and put my hair in its braid察I begin transforming back into myself。 Katniss Everdeen。 A girl who lives in the Seam。 Hunts in the woods。 Trades in the Hob。 I stare in the mirror as I try to remember who I am and who I am not。 By the time I join theothers察the pressure of Peeta・s arm around my shoulders feels alien。
When the train makes a brief stop for fuel察we・re allowed to go outside for some fresh air。 There・s no longer any need to guard us。 Peeta and I walk down along the track察hand in hand察and I can・t find anything to say now that we・re alone。 He stops to gather a bunch of wildflowers for me。 When he presents them察I work hard to look pleased。 Because he can・t know that the pink´and´white flowers are the tops of wild onions and only remind me of the hours I・ve spent gathering them with Gale。
Gale。 The idea of seeing Gale in a matter of hours makes my stomach churn。 But ind。 I only know that I feel like I・ve been lying to someone who trusts me。 Or more accurately察to two people。 I・ve been getting away with it up to this point because of the Games。 But there will be no Games to hide behind back home。
:What・s wrong拭─Peeta asks。
:Nothing察─I answer。 We continue walking察past the end of the train察out where even I・m fairly sure there are no cameras hidden in the scrubby bushes along the track。 Still no words e。
Haymitch startles me when he lays a hand on my back。 Even now察in the middle of nowhere察he keeps his voice down。 :Great job察you two。 Just keep it up in the district until the cameras are gone。 We should be okay。; I watch him head back to the train察avoiding Peeta・s eyes。
:What・s he mean拭─Peeta asks me。
:It・s the Capitol。 They didn・t like our stunt with the berries察─I blurt out。
:What拭What are you talking about拭─he says。
:It seemed too rebellious。 So察Haymitch has been coaching me through the last few days。 So I didn・t make it worse察─I say。
:Coaching you拭But not me察─says Peeta。
:He knew you were smart enough to get it right察─I say。
:I didn・t know there was anything to get right察─says Peeta。 :So察what you・re saying is察these last few days and then I guess 。 。 。 back in the arena 。 。 。 that was just some strategy you two worked out。;
:No。 I mean察I couldn・t even talk to him in the arena察could I拭─I stammer。
:But you knew what he wanted you to do察didn・t you拭─says Peeta。 I bite my lip。 :Katniss拭─He drops my hand and I take a step察as if to catch my balance。
:It was all for the Games察─Peeta says。 :How you acted。;
:Not all of it察─I say察tightly holding onto my flowers。 :Then how much拭No察forget that。 I guess the real question is what・s going to be left when we get home拭─he says。
:I don・t know。 The closer we get to District Twelve察the more confused I get察─I say。 He waits察for further explanation察but none・s forthing。
:Well察let me know when you work it out察─he says察and the pain in his voice is palpable。
I know my ears are healed because察even with the rumble of the engine察I can hear every step he takes back to the train。 By the time I・ve climbed aboard察Peeta has disappeared into his room for the night。 I don・t see him the next morning察either。 In fact察the next time he turns up察we・re pulling into District 12。 He gives me a nod察his face expressionless。
I want to tell him that he・s not being fair。 That we were strangers。 That I did what it took to stay alive察to keep us both alive in the arena。 That I can・t explain how things are with Gale because I don・t know myself。 That it・s no good loving me because I・m never going to get married anyway and he・d just end up hating me later instead of sooner。 That if I do have feelings for him察it doesn・t matter because I・ll never be able to afford the kind of love that leads to a family察to children。 And how can he拭How can he after what we・ve just been through
I also want to tell him how much I already miss him。 But that wouldn・t be fair on my part。
So we just stand there silently察watching our grimy little station rise up around us。 Through the window察I can see the platform・s thick with cameras。 Everyone will be eagerly watching our homeing。
Out of the corner of my eye察I see Peeta extend his hand。 I look at him察unsure。 :One more time拭For the audience拭─he says。 His voice isn・t angry。 It・s hollow察which is worse。 Already the boy with the bread is slipping away from me。 I take his hand察holding on tightly察preparing for the cameras察and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go。


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