四季随笔-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版)txt下载
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- 手机访问 m.---¤╭⌒╮ ╭⌒╮欢迎光临╱◥██◣ ╭╭ ⌒︱田︱田田| ╰--╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬版 权 归 原 作 者【虞夏】整理附:【】内容版权归作者所有!The Private Papers of Henry RyecroftGeorge GissingPREFACEThe name of Henry Ryecroft never became familiar to what is called the reading public. A year ago obituary paragraphs in the literary papers gave such account of him as was thought needful: the date and place of his birth, the names of certain books he had written, an allusion to his work in the periodicals, the manner of his death. At the time it sufficed. Even those few who knew the man, and in a measure understood him, must have felt that his name called for no further celebration; like other
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